Spanish Word of the Day

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Soccer, Soccer and more Soccer!

ESPANA! Or Spain as we call it in the US, just won the world soccer cup! And I just got done washing out my mohawk that I did just for this occasion (note: I did not shave my head I just spiked it.) I will post pictures later.
Monday will be my 1st day of filming the soccer camp. It will be a challenge because not only will I have to take and capture (download) it, but I will also have to edit as much as I can each day. I will be needing your prayers very much. Pray that I will have an eye to catch what I need each day. Also pray that I could get a good sleep, I have been waking up several times each night.


Anonymous said...

No mas cafe!

Anonymous said...

Y mucho mas bailar!! Ole!
(It's about midnight and I get a little wacky)

Anonymous said...

Oo! Ask Judith and Noami if they remember
"Bailla bailla como la pingueno"
(Pronounce: buy-a buy-a como la ping-guen-o)

Alec Miller said...


Anonymous said...

Got to see the pictures of the mowhawk...or is it a fauxhawk?
- The Sloans

Anonymous said...

You write very well.